Do Creative Agencies Increasingly Join Steering Work in Multi-million Dolar Projects? Could This be a Rising Trend?
Creativity is mostly associated with freelancing, startups, and fluid environments. Whereas in multi-million dollar projects, businesses, there have to be measurable…

A Design Thinking Case for Public Transportation during Pandemic - Ideation
In previous posts we talked about discovering problems, defining the collected information into consumable bites and understanding the system that can impose changes.…

A Design Thinking Case for Public Transportation during Pandemic - Data Collection
In a previous post, we talked about how to discover needed information and conduct effective interview to find core reasons for the user behaviour and needs. Define…

A Design Thinking Case for Public Transportation during Pandemic - Interviews
In a previous post, we talked about how to identify problems with a help of different research tools. This post will talk about the interviews and how to conduct…

A Design Thinking Case for Public Transportation during Pandemic - Research Methods and Tools
In a previous post we talked about design thinking and how can we use it to solve complex problems. Also, we introduced the aim of this design thinking case which…

A Design Thinking Case for Public Transportation during Pandemic - Introduction
As GEDS team we would like to raise the issue of public transport this month. Can design help rebuild public systems and bring the economy up? The pandemic has shined…